- Rating:
- Version: 1.2.5
- Publisher:
developer.berlios.de/projects/freessm - File Size: 7.69 MB
- Date: Jul 19, 2011
- License: Free
- Category:
Business & Finance
Diagnostic and adjustment tool for SUBARU vehicles. FreeSSM is a free and easy to use diagnostic and adjustment tool for SUBARU vehicles. It provides access to the engine and transmission control units of the models Legacy/Liberty, Outback, Baja, Impreza, Forester and Tribeca (not before MY1999).
The software works with all ISO-9141-2-/ISO-14230-1-compliant (K/L- and KK/L-) interfaces, that serve as simple voltage level converters ("Dump"-interface) or have a "pass-through"-mode.
The interface must be selectable through a serial port, which also includes USB-interfaces whose driver provides a virtual serial port (e.g. interfaces with FTDI-USB-chip).
The software supports the models Legacy /Liberty /Outback /Baja , Impreza (incl. WRX + STi), Forester , Exiga and Tribeca starting with model year 1999 up to model year 2009.
Model year 2010 is already supported, too, but some Measuring Blocks may be missing and some Diagnostic Codes may not be displayed as plaintext.
The software currently provides access to the engine and transmission control units. Depending on model and model year, it is possible that the engine controller already uses the new (supported) protocol while the transmission control unit still uses the old (unsupported) protocol.
The only identification information provided by the SUBARU -diagnostic-protocol is the ROM-ID, which is displayed by FreeSSM.
The correlation between the ROM-ID and part numbers or software versions is ambigous. Control units with identical ROM-IDs can have different part numbers and may be equipped with different software versions.
OBD2 is a "functional" system that incorporates informations and functionalites from different control units. The FreeSSM "OBD2-System"-information only states, that the corresponding control unit takes part in this system. In older vehicles, only the engine controller is involved in the OBD2-system.
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this application software.