
  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.03
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 17.94 KB
  • Date: Sep 02, 2010
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
    System Utility
    Windows Utilities
Wbox Download
Free Download Wbox 1.03

Message box for batch. Wbox displays a window with a message text and a number of buttons. The selected button (number 1..) is returned as Errorlevel.

The box is displayed in the middle of the command window. If the console window is minimized or hidden, the box will show in the middle of the desktop.

Window title, message text and button caption are specified as command parameters, for example:
Wbox "Backup" "Accounting data saved" "Continue;Quit"

General syntax:
Wbox title message buttons [options]

The title will show in the window's title bar. If you leave it empty (""), "Wbox" is inserted.

The message will be wrapped to several lines if necassary. The caret (^) symbol forces a line feed. Wbox tries to produce an optimal sizing; however, options are available for adjustments.

The buttons must be separated by semicolons, for example: "Yes;No;Cancel"

Each of the three command arguments should be enclosed in (double) quote marks to make sure that each is interpreted as one parameter unit.

Options (a value requires an equal sign):
/AL align left (default: message text centered)
/TM= time-out (seconds), see notes below
/DB= default button (will have the focus at start), default: /DB=1
/TL= forces (space for) the given number of text lines, e.g. /TL=3
/FS= font size; default: /FS=9
/BW= button width (pixels); default: auto
/WW= minimum window width (pixels), default: /WW=200 (normally, the width is calculated acc. to the button width)
/BG= background color, hexadecimal with hash sign (same as for HTML); example: /BG=#FFCCBB

Options (case ignored) must be separated by space(s), no commas! No space within an option!

The exit code (Errorlevel) is the number of the selected button (1..).
Zero is returned if the Wbox window is closed by [x] (title bar) or Escape.

Syntax errors produce a Wbox with error information, erorlevel 255.
Once you tested the command sucessfully, this error will not occur, so you need not check it in your regular batch file.

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this system utility software.

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