
  • Rating:
  • Version: 0.63 Alpha
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 84.65 KB
  • Date: Jun 11, 2011
  • License: Free
  • Category:
    System Utility
    Windows Utilities
NetallBox Download
Free Download NetallBox 0.63 Alpha

Netallbox is the "sandbox" for restricted run programs in Windows. This program can be used in ACM contest systems to automatic restricted running solution programs received from contestants.
NetallBox Features:
Following limitations can be set for running program (all limitations are optional):
1. maximum time limit (measured as process user time)
2. maximum memory limit
3. maximum real time limit (measured as clocks time, set it to prevent program hang up with Sleep() function or reading from console)
4. prevent to create processes

Following features can be enabled:
1. redirecting input, output and error standard streams to/from files
2. setting home directory for running program
3. setting user for running program under limited user (there are issues on some systems now)
4. using advanced inject technology
5. setting allowed file names to open by running program (used with injection)

NetallBox [<options>] <program> [<parameters>]

parameter sample note
-t <time-limit> -t 10 10 seconds can be real number
-t 500ms 500 milliseconds
-m <memory-limit> -m 10000000 10000000 bytes integer numbers only
-m 2048K 2048 Kbytes
-m 10M 10 Mbytes
-u <utilization> (not used)
-i <idle-limit> (format same as -t)
-d <directory> -d test\running absolute and relative paths supported
-l <login-name> -l tester only local users allowed
-p <password> -p test
-ri <file> -ri input.txt
-ro <file> -ro output.txt
-re <file> -re error.txt

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this system utility software.

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