SubsHub is a English subtitle Downloader. It can be used to download english subtitles of multiple video files in a single instance.You can download English subtitles of movies and sitcoms using this application.This software is written in C#. It uses simple UI making it easy even for novice computer user.
First select the option of the file or folder you want to select,like if you want to select a folder,where multiple video files are present and you want to get the subtitles for all the video files in a single instance.It is to be noted that the subhub will get you the subtitles of video files also present in the subdirectory of the folder selected. Please note that currently you can only get the subs of video file with .avi extension by using this method.We are currently working to get more video extensions working by using this approach.Though if you will select those files individually you might will be able to get the subs for them.Please see below how to do that.
If you want to get a subtitle for a single file select the file option ,even if you will not by default you will be able to select a file .This method supports multiple file extensions,though you will need to go inside the specific directory where your video file is present and select that video file .
SubsHub Features:
1. English Subtitle Downloader for movies and sitcom
2. Multiple movies subtitle can be downloaded all at once
3. Windows Application
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this video utility software.