Personal Time Tracker

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  • File Size: 42.91 KB
  • Date: Feb 14, 2010
  • License: Free
  • Category:
    Timesheet Software
    Business & Finance
Personal Time Tracker Download
Free Download Personal Time Tracker

Personal Time Tracker (PTT) will track time spent on tasks and categorize them by customer. It show time in hours and minutes as well as hours and percentage of an hour. Where I work, we report time in the form of 1.5 for 1 and 1/2 hours.

The Personal Time Tracker application was developed to be a small tool that will allow you to track billable and non-billable time.

Personal Time Tracker Features:
1. Tracks billable and non-billable time
2. Reporting using the .NET reporting Framework and a custom report dialog
3. Undo support
4. Uses DataGridView with some tweaks
5. Systray application with dynamic menus
6. Automatic saving at a user defined interval

Using the Application
This application does not have a main menu. It is controlled through context sensitive menus and some buttons. When minimized, you right click on the systray icon to access the menu. When the app is visible, you right click on the grid.

The first thing you will need to do is set up your customers and tasks. To set up customers click on the Customer List... button and set up tasks by clicking on the Task List... button. Click on the blank line in each of the dialogs to add a new entry.

Once you have customers and tasks, then you can start tracking your time against them. The easiest way to do that is to right click in the data grid and select a customer from the context menu and then select a task from the customer sub-menu.

You can temporarily stop tracking time against the current activity by checking the Pause check box. When you come back to work on that activity you can uncheck the pause check box and an interruption time will be added from when you paused the activity until when you unpaused it. Or, after pausing an activity you may decide to start a different activity. In that case an interruption is inserted into the paused activity and a new activity is started.

If you modify the start and end time of an activity log entry, then the other log entries will adjust to account for the new time entered. For example, if you change the stop time to be after the start time of the next log entry then the next log entry's start time will be adjusted to be just after to the edited log's end time.

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this timesheet software.

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