
  • Rating:
  • Version: 0.4
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 11.37 KB
  • Date: Jan 11, 2013
  • License: Free
  • Category:
    Audio Converter
    Audio & MP3
wavinterleave Download
Free Download wavinterleave 0.4

wavinterleave is an interleave multiple input WAV or AIFF files to one output WAV or AIFF file, a Command Line-based tool.

wavinterleave [-m <ch-mask>] [-b <out-bitnr>] [-f <out-fs>] <inp0>|- [<inp1>|- ...] <out>

1. the number of channels per input file can be arbitrary
2. the input files may differ in type, length, channel number, and bit number (and even sample rate, however, no sample rate conversion is performed)
3. specifying "-" for an input file generates one silent channel
4. the number of output channels is the sum of all input channels minus the masked channels
5. a channel mask can be specified by the "-m" option, the channel mask correponds to the sequence of all input channels (accumulated from all input files), each '0' character in the channel mask string skips a channel, corresponding to its position (if the channel mask string has fewer characters than available input channels, the remaining channels are not skipped)
6. the output bit number can be specified by the "-b" option, otherwise, the output bit number is the largest occuring input bit number
7. the output sample rate can be forced by the "-f" option, otherwise, the output sample rate is the first valid input sample rate (note that no sample rate conversion is performed)
8. the length of the output file is the maximum length of all input files, all shorter inputs are zero padded (silence) at the end

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this audio converter software.

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