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  • Version: 0.6.6
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  • File Size: 178.67 KB
  • Date: May 09, 2011
  • License: Freeware
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imgbfbp Download
Free Download imgbfbp 0.6.6

Parametric images computation made easy. imgbfbp help you with the computation of parametric images of binding potential (BPnd) from dynamic PET images in ECAT or Analyze format applying simplified reference tissue model (SRTM). The model is solved using the basis function approach, similar to the RPM program.

1) Dynamic image file (corrected for decay)
2) Reference region TAC file (times in minutes!)
3) Parametric BP image file
4) SIF file (optional)

Programs computes also an R1 image
Programs computes also a k2 image
-min=<value (1/min)>
Set minimum value for theta3; it must be >= k2min/(1+BPmax)+lambda. Default is 0.06 min-1. Lambda for F-18 is 0.0063 and for C-11 0.034.
-max=<value (1/min)>
Set maximum value for theta3; it must be <= k2max+lambda. Default is 0.60 min-1.
Set number of basis functions; default is 100.
Basis functions are written in specified image file.
Weighted sum-of-squares are written in specified image file.
Pixels with their theta3 in its min or max value are written in the specified imagefile with values 1 and 2, respectively, others with value 0.
Pixels with AUC less than (threshold/100 x ref AUC) are set to zero; default is 0%
Instead of BP, program saves the DVR (=BP+1) values.
Pixels with negative BP values are set to zero.
-end=<Fit end time (min)>
Use data from 0 to end time; by default, model is fitted to all frames.
-h or --help
Print this message and exit.
--version or --build
Print software build information and exit.
Program works silently, printing only error and warning messages.
Program prints more information about what it is doing.

Fit is always weighted, either based on the counts in SIF provided by user, or if SIF is not provided, then weights are estimated based on mean radioactivity concentration in the dynamic image, and estimated SIF is written with default filename.

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.

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