
  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.0 Alpha
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 498.84 KB
  • Date: Jul 20, 2012
  • License: Free
  • Category:
    Word Processing
iPoet Download
Free Download iPoet 1.0 Alpha

iPoet is a poetry generator for creating computer-generated poetry, it will create a poem, based on a topic of your choice, with your specified stanza (paragraph) length, number of stanzas and a 1-line refrain. It uses a simple text file ( YAML: .yml extension) as its dictionary, which allows you to edit it on any PC.

How to Use:
1. Use default templates in order to create poems, using the interface.
2. To program your own templates use Editor included in the download
3. Switch between Viewer and Editor in the editor program using the tabbed pane
4. Adding Abstract nouns, adjectives and adverbs requires no special markup.
5. Adding Concrete Nouns requires seperating the plural and singualar forums using a carat - EG:person^people
6. All verbs (Transitive and intransitive) must be in the format Singular^Plural^Past - EG:eat^eats^ate
7. In the program different work types are repesented by:adj,adverbs,couuouns,absnouns,tranverbs,intranverbs
8. The program works on a series of 'Mini-Templates', which are one or two lings long.
9. To add templates add them to the templates 'topic' and the sub-tobic is the actual name of the topic
10. The program can differentiate between one and two line mini-templates. To make a new line use \n in the template
11. To use adjectives, adverbs or abstract nouns in poems the foormat is Topic^typeofwork EG:Haunted^absnouns
12. Using concrete nouns is similar, except you specifiy whether or not to pluralise the word. EG:Huanted^connouns^singular
13. To use verbs one must specifi the tense. The options for tenses are persentsingular, persentplural,past and funture - EG:Haunted^intranverbs^past
14. To use fullstops/periods, semi-colons and hypens you must have a space between the last work and the punctuation. Since commas are used in the markup, a comma is represented bby $
15. To create your own grammar, you need to to use < - EG: For adding -ing Haunted^tranverbs^presentsingular < ing

* Java

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this word processing software.

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