
  • Rating:
  • Version: 3.01
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 4.9 MB
  • Date: Feb 07, 2018
  • Price: $21.00
  • License: Free Trial Software
    15 days trial
  • Category:
    CAD Software
eSketch Download
Free Download eSketch 3.01

eSketch is a powerful schematic capture and simulation application specifically designed for the ultra fast rendition and simulation of frequency-shaping analog circuits such as preamplifiers, amplifiers, active filters, passive filters, crossovers, equalizers and tone controls. eSketch is a specialized program for circuits containing capacitors, inductors, resistors and op amps. It does not provide transistors, diodes or other non-linear devices. Analog circuit simulator with rapid schematic capture, many simulation features.

eSketch simplicity of use and speed of execution provide an "electronic sketching" environment in which the effects of changes in layout, component values, component tolerances and op amp Gain Bandwidth can quickly be determined.

eSketch Features:
Schematica capture:
1. file merging
2. importing of (registered) Filter Wiz PRO files
3. rapid component (device) placementt
4. fast editing of component values
5. op amp device database provides Gain BandWidth values for over 600 op amps
6. full circuit editing capabilities such as copy, cut and paste
7. annotation with text boxes and markers

Analog circuit simulation:
1. both Filter Wiz PRO and Filter Wiz Lite can generate eSketch files
2. automatic indication of when circuit is ready to simulate
3. view two graphs simultaneously
4. two voltage probes - view both, either, or difference
5. save previous traces to view up to 13 voltages or currents at once
6. amplitude response (real, imaginary, dB, volts)
7. phase and group delay responses
8. input impedance
9. component current, impedance and power dissipation
10. Sensitivity of output voltage to changes in component values
11. transient response to impulse, step and "staircase" inputs
12. "ideal" and "real" op amp models
13. Monte Carlo analysis
14. Parameter Sweep analysis
15. pole-zero placement

Please note: that eSketch PRO works only with resistors, capacitors, inductors and op amps. It does not simulate diodes or transistors. It is intended for the rapid drawing and simulation of active or passive RLC circuits, such as filters and audio amplifiers.

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $21.00, you can free download and get a free trial.

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