
  • Rating:
  • Version: 2.0
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 461.85 KB
  • Date: Oct 29, 2013
  • Price: $29
  • License: Free Trial Software
  • Category:
    Search Tool
    File & Disk
XchangeCL Download
Free Download XchangeCL 2.0

XchangeCL is a text search and replace utility, this is a command-line version of XChange program. It performs the same function as XChange, but has a command-line interface. If you want to use XChange in batch scripts, or any other non-interactive environment, then perhaps XChangeCL is what you're looking for.

XChangeCL is used from the command line like this: XChangeCL switches filenames strings

Switches and strings are optional. You don't have to enter either, but you will probably want to. Recognised switches are:
1. ? display this help
2. A display information about this program
3. B create backup file (default is to create backup with .~XC extension)
4. C case sensitive (default is case sensitive)
5. Dd set the string delimiters to d (default delimiter is /)
6. H display this help
7. K enter registration key, use -K "firstname surname" key
8. P show progress (default is to show progress)
9. R recurse through subdirectories (default is to not recurse)
10. Tt set the "trip" character to t (there is no default trip character.) The trip character is used to indicate an ASCII code.
11. U repeat the find/replace commands until no substitutions are made.
12. V verify command. Display the options, find/replace strings and file names, but don't actually change anything.
13. W whole words only (default is not whole words only.) Words are defined as any number of consecutive characters that are all in "A" to "Z", "a" to "z", "0" to "9", "_", "$" or " ". Any other characters are treated as word delimiters.

Switch characters are preceded by a - to switch the attribute off (if appropriate) or a + to switch the attribute on.

Filenames may contain wildcards and multiple filenames can be separated by semi-colons or commas. Enclose filenames in quotes " if they contain spaces or other special characters.

Note: ensure that the first character of the filename is not the specified string delimiter - it will be interpreted as a string if it is.
The find and replace strings are surrounded and separated by delimiters. If the strings are omitted then the filenames can be displayed (use +P) to verify what files would be processed if the strings were present.

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $29, you can free download and get a free trial.

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