
  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.6.5961.415
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 12.35 MB
  • Date: Oct 13, 2011
  • License: Free
  • Category:
    File Sync
    File & Disk
UpdateIt! Download
Free Download UpdateIt! 1.6.5961.415

UpdateIt! is the application designed for the synchronization of the source folder's content with the content of other (target) folder on a local computer or (and) a remote FTP server.

This is wizard that I wrote to fast and comfortable update of my own personal website. It searches (at request - recursively) all files in the source folder that are modified after specified date/time.
It can copy found files (everyone or selected) to the target folder with preservation of an initial structure of the subfolders. This application allows to upload all files from the updated folder (with preservation of its structure) to the specified FTP server, to compress this folder in the same named zip-archive, to send one to the given E-mail.

Step 1 is the selection of source and target folders. It is required to choose a name of the folder for searching the updated files and a name of the folder where these updated files will be copied or moved. Also, it is required to specify the date and time since which files in the source folder are considered updated.

Step 2 is reviewing the list of the updated files. On this step you can see the list of the updated files found in the source folder.

Step 3 is actions selection. On this step it is required to choose, what exactly should be done with the found files. Copying or moving files to the target folder are obligatory actions that are chosen by means of the group Action to perform switches. Besides this, it is possible to upload the target folder contents (with full structure preservation) to the specified folder on a FTP server.

Step 4 is processing the files. On this step it is possible to watch the progress of copying (or moving) the updated files from the source folder into the target folder, of uploading files from the target folder to the given FTP server, compression of the target folder and sending the given archive to the E-mail address that was specified earlier.

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this file sync software.

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