Universal Project Organizer

  • Rating:
  • Version: .9
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 4.38 MB
  • Date: Jul 21, 2010
  • Price: $25.00
  • License: Free Trial Software
  • Category:
    Organizer Software
Universal Project Organizer Download
Free Download Universal Project Organizer .9

This program stores all the stuff it takes to make hobby projects. Universal Project Organizer is a program for organizing the stuff it takes to make things that have a bunch of different things and ways to do. It was made for electronics projects but could be used for anything like that like crafts or painting or etcetera.

The first thing is that you have to be in edit mode to change anything and you have to save each record when you are done on every page.

Each Project has three lists of stuff Parts, Steps and Files. On the Projects page there is three buttons to preview what is in each list. underneath each of them buttons there is another button to edit that list. It then calculates a Project total based on Time, Wage and Part cost.

If you try to open any of them three with out saving first it will ask if you want to save and then go to that page. On the Orders page there is a list of Projects for each Order with another button to edit that list. It then calculates an Order total based on Project totals and Shipping cost. For an invoice it generates a text file you can save and print with Notepad.

It stores a back up copy of each file and checks if they are where they came from and if they have changed. If you can click the update button it has changed. The total database size is limited to 1GB. It tries to use the associated pogram with the file name of where it came from to open the file not the file that is stored.

There are also short cut buttons that take you directly to where you need to be underneath all of the dropdown boxes. Once you close that page it should be in the drpdown box you started from. The idea is that once have everything in there it is mostly selecting instead of typing everything.

This makes it possible to have 50 different projects of the same type and be able to make any one on demand.

* 3 projects and 1 order.

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $25.00, you can free download and get a free trial.

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