
  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.1.5
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 183.45 KB
  • Date: Apr 22, 2011
  • License: Free
  • Category:
    Text Editor
    File & Disk
TextMash Download
Free Download TextMash 1.1.5

TextMash is a tiny text editor, aims to aid your work on text documents. It is written entirely in Java. It doesnt replace your default system editor since some features like text formatting or printing are not available.
However it enhanced editing abilities by providing various text transformations, word suggesting, line numbering or highlighting. TextMash is also designed to cooperate with multiple instances of Clojure REPL.
TextMash Features:
Operations on a file:
1. Creating, saving, and closing files
2. Opening recently used files or by recently used directories
3. Coping a full filename path, opening in a default system editor

Editing operations:
1. Undo/redo operations
2. Copy, paste, delete, delete line and rest
3. Selecting lines and vertical selection mode
4. Finding and replacing text

Operations on text:
1. Suggesting words basing on these used in opened files
2. Toggling commenting with different sequences
3. Shifting left and right
4. Capitalizing words and sentences, lowering and uppercasing words
5. Changing line endings approparite for different OSes
6. Reinterpreting and converting character encoding

View modes:
1. Marking occurrences of selected words
2. Matching brackets
3. Showing line numbers
4. Wrapping too long lines

Operations on windows:
1. Closing all or other windows
2. Bringing windows to front
3. Switching between windows

1. Configuring and opening terminal with Clojure REPL
2. Executing statements and files from editor
3. Creating multiple REPLs and switching between them
4. Configuring project and third party library class path

Other features:
1. Storing individual configurations for files
2. Indicating file changes by star next to a file name
3. Opening a single instance of a file

* Java

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this text editor software.

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