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  • File Size: 556.02 KB
  • Date: Sep 20, 2010
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
    File Sync
    File & Disk
Sincronizador Download
Free Download Sincronizador

Sincronizador allows you to control SyncToy to Synchronize between two computers. A better alternative than Task Scheduler to control SyncToy.

Sincronizador will run SyncToyCmd.exe regularly in hidden mode if destination machine is available. The destination machine will be the IP of Computer HOME.

Sincronizador Features:
1. Runs SyncToyCmd in a hidden way
2. Only runs when destination is available
3. Double-click icon to synchronize right now
4. Visual non-disturbing information by a single icon
5. Easy way to know if the destination is available
6. Easy to know how long until the next sync

First of all, you have to download, install and create at least one folder pair in SyncToy, a freeware synchronizer tool from Microsoft.

In the first time Sincronizador runs, it will not find Sincronizador.ini and will ask for some configurations. This configurations will be saved in Sincronizador.ini.
1. Sound: Off/On, (default On); sound alerting about synchronization and destination not available.
2. Time between synchronizations (default 15 minutes). Only counts when Sincronizador is running.
3. SyncToyCmd.exe Path and Command (default: C:\Program Files\SyncToy 2.1\SyncToyCmd.exe -R). Since this option is configurable, it means Sincronizador can be used with other programs than SyncToy.
4. Address to verify availability (default IP machine that we want to know if it is available. Can be also the format \\some_computer\some_folder\* - It needs at least one folder in the destination computer.
5. SyncToy Mode: Normal/ Hidden (default Hidden); show or not the SyncToyCmd console window.
6. Hide Icon: Off/On, (default Off); Hide icon when destination not available.
7. Pause: pause countdown counter.
8. Show Log: Show SyncToyLog.log with notepad.

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this file sync software.

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