SSI Model Railway Control System

  • Rating:
  • Version: 4.01.000
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 5.25 MB
  • Date: Jul 30, 2012
  • Price: $89.00
  • License: Free Trial Software
    30-day trial
  • Category:
    CAD Software
SSI Model Railway Control System Download
Free Download SSI Model Railway Control System 4.01.000

SSI Model Railway Control System control the operation of a model railway layout, help you take control over the operation of a model railway layout through hardware connected to the communications port. SSI uses the MRAPI middle ware product to provide the actual hardware communications.

Many modellers choose SSI because it meets their needs of:
1. Highly reallistic level of layout control
2. Looks and operates like real IECC (Integrated Electronic Control Centre) systems, commonly used across the UK and the World
3. Full control of turnouts and signalling
4. Full interlocking support which is highly configurable
5. Full Entry/Exit (NX) functionality
6. Simplifies layout wiring and reduces wiring costs
7. Simple and Easy control of a layout

SSI replaces a conventional control panel with a computer screen, providing significant levels of functionality that would otherwise require complex wiring. It does not drive trains. SSI uses the signalman centric (signalman tells trains what to do, driver drives according to signals) rather than driver centric (driver drives trains and system changes signals depending on where he is) paradigm.

SSI Model Railway Control System Features:
1. Network or standalone operation - using peer to peer and no servers
2. Multiple profiles, panels and timetables on different workstations or the same workstation
3. Multi-screen support (extended desktops)
4. Loco Decoder programming support - including graphical setting of speed curves
5. Train describer functionality
6. Ability to create your own graphic and colour sets
7. Networked clock (including fast operation)
8. Improved timetabling
9. Separate Layout Designer and Layout Operator applications
10. Significantly upgraded layout design tools
11. Indication of out-of-correspondence devices
12. Even better performance
13. Import facility for layout files from previous versions
14. Backwards compatible with previous versions

SSI can be operated in Stand-alone or Networked mode and is therefore ideal for any layout from the smallest single panel to a large layout with multiple panels. In Networked mode, it is possible to mimic a prototype computer control centre with a bank of workstations all controlling different parts of a layout. On layouts representing earlier periods, each workstation can represent a signal box.
Standalone or Networked mode occurs automatically. There is no special configuration necessary other than to make a layout file accessible in a shared folder on a network drive.

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $89.00, you can free download and get a free trial.

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