
  • Rating:
  • Version: 2.00
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 40.81 KB
  • Date: Apr 15, 2010
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
    Registry Cleaner
    Windows Utilities
RegCtrls Download
Free Download RegCtrls 2.00

RegCtrls (Register Controls) is a comprehensive utility to register and unregister COM components.

It provides all the functionality of Microsoft’s REGSVR32 command-line utility and much more in an intuitive, graphical Windows program.
RegCtrls main window lists all the classes currently registered with the system registry. This allows you to browse this information and to make a number of changes to it.
RegCtrls provides many options for registering and unregistering COM objects, and for viewing information about registers objects.

1. Registering COM Objects
RegCtrls provides a number of methods for registering COM objects with the system registry. From the main window, you can select the Register File command (from either the menu or the toolbar) and select the files you want to register. You can also register files by dragging and dropping them onto the main window. In addition, you can also register files by dropping them on the RegCtrls program icon, which also launches the program.

2. Unregistering COM Objects
RegCtrls provides a number of methods for unregistering COM objects with the system registry. From the main window, you can select the Unregister File command (from either the menu or the toolbar) and select the files you want to unregister. RegCtrls supports unregistering .EXE files and any type of .DLL files (which includes .OCX files, etc.) In order to successfully unregister .EXE and .DLL files, those files must be self-unregistering, which is standard for COM server files. If the file cannot be successfully unregistered, RegCtrls attempts to provide the most specific error message possible. (Note that unregistering stand-alone .TLB files is not supported.)

3. Viewing Registry Information
In addition to registering and unregistering COM objects, RegCtrls allow you to view information about the objects currently registered on your system. This can be helpful in troubleshooting registration problems, finding old and unused entries in your registry, or for simply learning about how objects are registered with the system registry.

RegCtrls main window lists all the classes registered under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID folder of the system registry. (Note that this is different from how Visual Basic displays a list of registered type libraries, which is more compact but does not provide as much information.) By default, only those classes marked as controls are displayed. But you can choose to include those classes marked as insertable, or to include all classes in the registry.

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this registry cleaner software.

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