
  • Rating:
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  • File Size: 6.56 MB
  • Date: Oct 22, 2010
  • License: Free Trial Software
  • Category:
    Printer Software
    Windows Utilities
PacsPrinter Download
Free Download PacsPrinter

PacsPrinter provides any Windows application with PACS connectivity. Just by pressing the Print button on any Windows application your document will be sent to the PACS.
PacsPrinter is easy to use and does not require any DICOM knowledge. The workflow is simple.

This software provides any Windows application with PACS connectivity. Just by pressing the print button on any Windows application, your document will be sent to the PACS.
PacsPrinterTM provides any Windows application with PACS connectivity. Just by pressing the Print button on any Windows application your document will be sent to the PACS.
PacsPrinterTM is easy to use and does not require any DICOM knowledge. The workflow is simple.
After selecting the Print option of the application you are working with, you can choose PacsPrinter as destination.
Selection of the desired patient and study completes the printing session, documents will be saved into the PACS as a series of images. No additional software has to be used: you can access PacsPrinterTM from any Windows application.

* Archive word processor documents Documents from any word processor can be archived in the PACS
* Archive e-mails After reading an e-mail with any mailing program the user can archive it into the PACS
* Archive web pages By selecting the Print option of the browser any web page can be archived
* Archive presentations Presentations made with PowerPoint or other applications can be archived also, for exaple to create teaching files which are stored in the PACS
* No extra program required PacsPrinter works from any application that has access to the printer
* All fonts are recognized PacsPrinter recognizes and displays all the fonts: arabic, chinese, russian, hebrew, cyrillic, etc.

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, you can free download and get a free trial.

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