
  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.0.a.1
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 614.51 KB
  • Date: Dec 19, 2009
  • Price: $9.95
  • License: Free Trial Software
  • Category:
    Boot CD
    File & Disk
JukeTime-Reboot Download
Free Download JukeTime-Reboot 1.0.a.1

JukeTime-Reboot - Automated System Restart, an easy-to-use computer restart scheduler. JukeTime-Reboot (JT-RBT) allows restart or recycle control of a laptop, desktop or server computer.

Experience indicates that computer failure rates drop when the hardware is kept at a constant voltage and temperature (never power down the computer). Advanced features built into today's computers and operating systems support this method of operation (disk drives are automatically spun down, monitors are put to sleep, exhaust fans slow down and CPUs go into hibernation mode).

Running a computer 24x7 expands its usability and provides additional time for lengthy tasks like music cataloging, database rebuilds, large internet downloads and automatic system backups.

JT-RBT enhances this support by providing am automated method of recycling (or rebooting) the computer. Rebooting the system on a regular basis resets / refreshes the operating system, cleans up application crashes / hangs, reduces unexplained problems / issues and recovers lost memory from poorly designed programs (memory leaks).

Computers should be recycled at least once a week to help eliminate problems and insure a more stable working environment. JT-RBT automates this process by allowing recycles to occur during off hours, when the computer is idle and inactive.

JTReboot is an easy-to-use application that will enable you to restart your laptop, desktop or server computer by a given schedule.
Experience indicates that computer failure rates drop when the hardware is kept at a constant voltage and temperature (never power down the computer).
Advanced features built into today’s computers and operating systems support this method of operation (disk drives are automatically spun down, monitors are put to sleep, exhaust fans slow down and CPUs go into hibernation mode).

Automated System Restart:
1. Select daily, weekly or monthly recycles
2. Reboot any day of the week (or every day of the week)
3. Select the 1st and / or the 15th, or pick any day of the month
4. Pick time of day to reboot
5. Restrict restart, based on CPU usage (recycle after the computer goes idle) and / or Network usage (only allow restart if there is minimal network traffic). Both CPU and Network thresholds are adjustable to match your computer configuration.
6. Define a list of processes to monitor and restrict / delay reboot while they are running
7. Wait for one or more processes to complete prior to reboot
8. Minimal system requirements
9. Nominal CPU load and memory usage

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $9.95, you can free download and get a free trial.

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