
  • Rating:
  • Version: 5.1.0
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 3.26 MB
  • Date: Feb 26, 2011
  • Price: EUR120.00
  • License: Free Trial Software
  • Category:
    Ecommerce Software
    Business & Finance
Jabir Download
Free Download Jabir 5.1.0

Jabir is a POS application for desktop and PDA use. Jabir software designed and structured to support the staff of public events, festivals, village fairs, bars, pubs, pizzerias cutting, ticket offices, ticket

Il software permette di gestire comodamente l'organizzazione di casse , cucine, reparti e scontrini (non-fiscali) con un normale pc e stampante. The software allows you to easily manage the organization of banks, kitchens, wards and receipts (non-tax) with a normal PC and printer.

Permette, inoltre, di stampare scontrini suddivisi per reparto, di gestire quantitativi di piatti a scalare, di calcolare il resto e, a fine lavori, creare un resoconto delle vendite. It also allows you to print receipts broken down by department, to handle the quantities of food to climb, to calculate the rest and, after work, create a record of sales. Nella versione pi avanzata abbiamo aggiunto l'opzione di ordinare direttamente al cameriere tramite palmare wifi. In more advanced version we added the option to order directly from your room via handheld wifi.

Jabir requires the presence of 6 Java libraries on your PC.

Jabir allows direct printing or printing on the parallel port (USB or serial or network) via the operating system drivers. Supporta nativamente il linguaggio Esc/POS (stampanti termiche a taglio), il linguaggio Esc/P2 (stampanti ad aghi) e la stampa grafica (stampanti a getto o laser). Language natively supports ESC / POS (printers thermal cut), language ESC/P2 (dot matrix printers) and printing graphics (inkjet or laser printers).

* Prints advertisement on ticket

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is EUR120.00, you can free download and get a free trial.

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