
  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.0.2
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 1.45 MB
  • Date: Aug 31, 2011
  • License: Free
  • Category:
    Graphing Software
IterativeFiltering Download
Free Download IterativeFiltering 1.0.2

Iterative filtering tool. IterativeFiltering is a tool for filtering images (2D picture data) with a selected iterative filters.

Usage: Iterative [-h] [-log sLog] [-logname sFilename]
[-i,o sChannel(s)] [-raw]
-h Shows this help.
-log Option selects a log type. Allowed values are: null for no logging, stderr, file and both. Default value is file.
-logname Changes filename of the output log.
-i Specification of a module input channel. Channel is described by a string of the form "medium[:attrib1[:attrib2[...]]]". Allowed medium types are "stdio", "file" and "pipe". Stdio has no attributes, file and pipe has only one attribute, filename.
-o Module output. Channel description is same as above.
-raw Disables output compression and suppresses data headers.
-xml Experimental XML output.

Extended usage:
iterative -i file:Image.png::file:psf.png -filter filter_name [-steps number] [- silent] [-tile number]

-filter filter_name - specifies filter used. One of the following values can be used:
lg - Lam/Goodman filter in the frequency domain.
rl - Richardson/Lucy algorithm in the spatial domain.
mle - Maximum likelihood method in the spatial domain.
dmle - Maximum likelihood method in the spatial domain with some denoising optimalisations.
divlg - tile based filtering (tiling in the frequency domain).
divrl - tile based filtering (tiling in the frequency domain).
divmle - tile based filtering (tiling in the frequency domain).
divdmle - tile based filtering (tiling in the frequency domain).
-steps <1, N> - specifies number of iterations
-silent - do not write information on screen
-tile <1, N> - size of the tile when using tile based filtering. Please consider that both image sizes must be dividible by this number.

Input: Two png images (input image, first psf estimation image.
Output: Estimated image (for every iteration step).

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this graphing software.

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