InfoRazor Server

  • Rating:
  • Version:
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 48.69 MB
  • Date: Oct 09, 2010
  • Price: $499.00
  • License: Free Trial Software
    14 days trial
  • Category:
    PDF Software
    File & Disk
InfoRazor Server Download
Free Download InfoRazor Server

PDF redaction made simple. InfoRazor Server help you streamline the process of creating and managing PDF documents within your organization.

InfoRazor Server allows you to remove sensitive information from PDF document automatically. No more copy-paste screw-ups. Unable to read the black-out portions when copied and pasted into another document. The process is secure because it's kept in-house and takes minutes. Easy Way to Remove Private Information from PDF documents

InfoRazor Server Features:
1. It is secure, because it's installed WITHIN your network. So when you send an email to the server it stays within your firm.
2. It puts the cash back into your pocket by redacting an unlimited number of PDFs
3. It eliminates the mistakes by finding and removing the data and metadata automatically. It means no one can see your metadata when the PDF is converted into Word.
4. It requires NO training, because it uses the familiar copy-paste-send commands
5. It saves hours and days eliminating the need to black out the info manually
6. It shows you results quickly - the redacted PDF gets delivered back within 3 minutes or less
7. It saves you time on installation - once you've downloaded and installed the software on one PC, it's available for each user in your company
8. No need to install Adobe Acrobat (most of the redaction tools require Acrobat Professional on each
9. desktop). All you need is your PDF file and your email.
10. It makes it easy to keep track of the redacted PDF docs. Because they can all be stored in a separate folder in your email.
11. 24/7 tech support via email
12. Unlimited redaction for one flat fee

* can process only 3 pages of each document
* watermark on output

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $499.00, you can free download and get a free trial.

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