Copybook Viewer

  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.1
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 31.11 MB
  • Date: Jul 11, 2011
  • Price: $3.54
  • License: Free Trial Software
  • Category:
    Business & Finance
Copybook Viewer Download
Free Download Copybook Viewer 1.1

Copybook Viewer can view the copybook in table form and optionally display the corresponding Easytrieve or SAS layout. In IBM mainframe environment, A dataset consists of records and each record consists of fields. The layout of record is defined by a COPYBOOK which defines each field with field name, field type and field length.
The CopybookViewer will display the copybook in table format which consists of, besides field name/field type/field length, the start and offset of each field. Optionally CSV, Easytrieve or SAS format are displayed.

Typically, a record layout starts with LEVEL NUMBER with record number one being the lowest number and represents the start of a record layout, each new field starts with a new level number; a level number greater than the previous one is the children of the previous level; a same level number is the sibling, so RECORD-A-LAYOUT and RECORD-B-LAYOUT are siblings and A-FILE-LAYOUT is their parent (in this case it is also the root of the copybook); RECORD-A-FIELD-1, RECORD-A-FIELD-2 and RECORD-A-FIELD-3 are the children of RECORD-A-LAYOUT.

* Only converts up to 20 fields

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $3.54, you can free download and get a free trial.

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