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  • Version: 1.0 Beta Build 2
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 539.29 KB
  • Date: Oct 16, 2010
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
BaTS Download
Free Download BaTS 1.0 Beta Build 2

BaTS (Bayesian Tip-Significance testing), phylogeny-trait association is defined as the extent to which neighbouring taxa in a phylogenetic tree share a character of interest.
This may be a classical phenotypic trait, a molecular attribute, disease progression type, geographic location or any other character that can be coded as a set of discrete states with equal weighting.

BaTS was developed to be a package that allows the user to test for significant phylogeny-trait correlations whilst taking into account uncertainty arising from phylogenetic error, by integrating over the credible set of topologies produced by Bayesian phylogenetics programs such as BEAST or MrBayes.
Null distributions are generated for statistics of phylogeny-trait association, and used to test the significance of the observed data. BaTS can also perform batch analyses of multiple data sets.
BaTS runs in either single or batch mode. Single mode outputs a detailed analysis on a single trees file, while batch mode analyses and returns summary statistics based on a whole directory.
BaTS runs in either single or batch mode. Single mode outputs a detailed analysis on a single trees file, while batch mode analyses and returns summary statistics based on a whole directory.

e.g. user:% java -jar BaTS_beta_build2.jar [batch|single] [file|or dir] [null replicates] [max states]

* Java

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.

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