Advanced Command Line PDF Splitter

  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.9
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 1.67 MB
  • Date: Nov 27, 2012
  • Price: $24.99
  • License: Free Trial Software
  • Category:
    PDF Software
    File & Disk
Advanced Command Line PDF Splitter Download
Free Download Advanced Command Line PDF Splitter 1.9

Advanced Command Line PDF Splitter is a scriptable utility that automates the task of merging multiple PDF files into one PDF document. The application, aclpdfmerge.exe, has no graphical user interface, automatically locates all PDF files in the input directory and its subdirectories, allows assignment of custom PDF output file name and by default combines all pages from all input PDF documents. In addition to this, the application provides users with an option to define specific page numbers or page number ranges that should only be merged together. Advanced Command Line PDF Merger installer includes a helper application, aclpdfmergehelper.exe, that provides graphical user interface for generation of script files to be used with aclpdfmerge.exe.

* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate PDF documents using scripts, DOS, batch files, Windows Task Scheduler
* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate PDF files using scripts, DOS, batch files, Windows Task Scheduler
* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate two PDF documents into one PDF document using scripts
* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate two PDF files into one PDF file using scripts
* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate multiple PDF documents into one PDF document using scripts
* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate multiple PDF files into one PDF file using scripts
* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate several PDF documents into one PDF document using scripts
* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate several PDF files into one PDF file using scripts
* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate separate PDF documents into one PDF document using scripts
* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate separate PDF files into one PDF file using scripts
* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate PDF pages using scripts
* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate PDF page ranges using scripts
* Merge, combine, join, append, concatenate PDF content using scripts
* Scriptable, command line PDF merger software that does not require Adobe Acrobat
* Scriptable, command line PDF combiner software that does not require Adobe Acrobat
* Scriptable, command line PDF concatenator software that does not require Adobe Acrobat

"C:\Program Files\AdvancedReliableSoftware\AdvancedCommandLinePdfMerger\aclpdfmerge.exe"
<mode> <input directory> <output directory> <output file name> <optional page numbers>

-m Merges all PDF documents found in the input directory.
-ms Merges all PDF documents found in the input directory and its subdirectories.
-h Displays command syntax.
<input directory>
Application will attempt to perform work on each PDF document in
the input directory and its subdirectories.
All input PDF documents will remain in their original condition.
<output directory>
Output directory for the merged PDF document.
Output directory will be automatically created if it does not exist.

<output file name>
File name for the merged PDF document.
Enclose in quotes if file name is an empty string or contains space character.
Default file name will be assigned if argument is an empty string or not entered.
<optional page numbers>
Optional list of specific page numbers or page ranges to be merged only.
Please use comma as a separator.
All pages will be merged if this argument is not entered.
"C:\Program Files\AdvancedReliableSoftware\AdvancedCommandLinePdfMergeraclpdfmerge.exe" -m "C:\InputDirectory" "C:\OutputDirectory"

"C:\Program Files\AdvancedReliableSoftware\AdvancedCommandLinePdfMergeraclpdfmerge.exe" -ms "C:\InputDirectory" "C:\OutputDirectory"

"C:\Program Files\AdvancedReliableSoftware\AdvancedCommandLinePdfMergeraclpdfmerge.exe" -m "C:\InputDirectory" "C:\OutputDirectory" "Hello World.pdf"

"C:\Program Files\AdvancedReliableSoftware\AdvancedCommandLinePdfMergeraclpdfmerge.exe" -ms "C:\InputDirectory" "C:\OutputDirectory" "Hello World.pdf"

"C:\Program Files\AdvancedReliableSoftware\AdvancedCommandLinePdfMergeraclpdfmerge.exe" -m "C:\InputDirectory" "C:\OutputDirectory" "" 5,6,20-26,31-67

"C:\Program Files\AdvancedReliableSoftware\AdvancedCommandLinePdfMergeraclpdfmerge.exe" -ms "C:\InputDirectory" "C:\OutputDirectory" "" 5,6,20-26,31-67

"C:\Program Files\AdvancedReliableSoftware\AdvancedCommandLinePdfMergeraclpdfmerge.exe" -m "C:\InputDirectory" "C:\OutputDirectory" My.pdf 5,6,7,20-26

"C:\Program Files\AdvancedReliableSoftware\AdvancedCommandLinePdfMergeraclpdfmerge.exe" -ms "C:\InputDirectory" "C:\OutputDirectory" My.pdf 5,6,7,20-26

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $24.99, you can free download and get a free trial.

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